Allie in her Halloween outfit for the day

Blake, Kim, Allie, Sophie, and Will
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Well I am so mad because I though I captured this grand event with a photo. My camera shut down due to low battery following my picture of Allie on the potty and I guess due to low battery it never took the picture in the first place.
Allie's "potty" is one of those small rings that you place in the toilet seat so you don't fall in . It has dogs on it, so she loves to sit and look at the dogs. The whole potty issue started because she just loves to get me my toilet paper (and then some extra) off the roll and she loves flushing the toilet. So I thought well since she loves the toilet, let's see what she does if we strip her down and sit her on it.
Over the last month we have had a ritual before bath time of placing Allie on the potty while I am filling up the bath tub. She always seems to go to the bathroom in the tub when I turn on the facet and water starts coming out. It's nothing that I'm really pushing, just slowly introducing the concept since she was interested.
Well, tonight we did not have pee, but poop. Allie was just sitting on the potty while I went to turn on the facet. I turned around and she was pushing and you know how it ends. To say the least, I'm not sure if it really clicked in her mind, but I was very excited. I made a big stink about it and Allie got to get her own toilet paper for her bum and got to flush the toilet and watch her poop go "bye-bye." I'll keep everyone posted on the future success of Allie and potty training. Do I dare say I am really potty training?
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