We have finally landed back in Boise and oh how I am so glad. We had a fabulous time in Dallas visiting one of my best friends from high school and her cute family, but only she understands how we were glad to make it back to Boise. Allie spent over half the days of our trip puking.
The beginning days of our trip we got in some good time around the town. We went to a fun "tubes" place where Allie, Cole, and Carter were the only kids for a good chunk of our time. We went shopping at some good outlet malls, where we entertained the kids with a merry-go-round ride and suckers so they could endure the shopping. We made it to IKEA where I think I broke the bank shopping. We definitely need IKEA to make its way to Boise.
It worked out good that Allie was sick (minus all the puking) because Karee and I had a lot of good time to hang out, talk about life, and just relax. Thanks for all the fun times, the yummy food, and yummy desserts that we got to enjoy. We are glad that Karee and her family are making their way to Boise this week so we can hang out some more without sick kids :)

Allie making her way through the "tubes" and down the slide

We got in some good shopping at some awesome outlet malls, oh how I long for some good shopping in Boise

Allie found herself a great place to hang out while I shopped

Cute Cole giving Allie some help on swing

My child sleeping on the couch....speaks volumes

One of our last days in Dallas, we ventured out to yet another fun mall. The kids area was so cute! There were spoons, forks, cups, and large pieces of food to climb all over.

Cole balancing on top the cherry on the grapefruit

A spoon full of sugar and everything nice

Checkin' out the hottie in the car