Boise went from winter to summer while forgetting spring. It cranked up to 95 on Saturday and this was quite a shock since we have been in the 60's and 70's. What else was there to do but to cool ourselves down. We had a fun filled day over at Grandma and Papa's house. Allie had fun jumping on the tramp with Aunt Lilia and Aunt Natalia. We tried out a variety of 3 different sprinklers under the tramp. Blake was knocking my $1 sprinkler from Target, but it turned out to be the favorite. Gotta love those $1 bins.
After the tramp, we jumped into the unheated pool which was a chilly 73 degrees but felt so good after getting used to it. It was a nice relaxing day and it couldn't have been topped off better without a delivery of Papa Johns Pizza for dinner...yummy. Thanks Grandma and Papa!

Memory lane...jumping on the tramp with the sprinkler underneath

Jump so high!

Allie loving the tramp with the sprinkler

Checking out the duck that was swimming in the pool. As fun as it was to have ducks in the pool, Allie quickly learned this was a no-no and we had to chase the ducks away

Allie insisted she wear the fish floating vest and the water wings

A refreshing dip in the pool....we couldn't figure out how to turn on the heater, but the 73 degree water felt so good

Of course....Allie's first time on the big swing and what does she do? This girl has to get as high as she can in whatever she does. Case in point as you view the picture below

Our little gymnast....following in the footsteps of Aunt Natalia and Aunt Lilia

All giggles!