Friday, January 30, 2009
Land of Make Believe
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Friday, January 9, 2009
Double Coupons at Albies guessed it. Another great grocery run this week at Albertsons. I don't know if this whole coupon thing is starting a craze around here or what, but Albertson's was doubling coupons this week. It was limited to 3 per transaction, but I'll take any doubling that I can get. I ended up with 12 transactions this run. There were lots of household things included in the deal this week: paper towels, tide, towlet paper, fabric softener. Pamper's also had a screaming deal going on this week that I ended up taking advantage of for a few friends and also some baby presents.
All in all my total was $130.61 and I saved $402.90
My transactions included
3-large 8 packs of Bounty Paper Towels
4-Tide Laundry Soap
3-Downy Fabric Softener
14 packs of Pampers (6 not included in the picture)
8 packs of Pampers wipes (4 not included in the picture)
9 boxes of cereal
4 packs of yogurt
6 packs of Fiber One Bars
8 Puffs Tissues
2 fruit snacks
2 Fusion Razors
1 carton of O.J.
It's not to late to jump in this week. The sale goes through Tuesday. Good Luck!
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Monday, January 5, 2009
What a day! We woke up to a couple inches of snow and the ground and it kept snowing throughout the day. At 5 we thought we'd hit the sledding hill before it got dark and cold.
Allie just loved this. We just went to a few small hills in our neighborhood and suprisingly they weren't crowded. Everytime Allie got the bottom of a hill she would say, "more, more." She wanted to ride her sled every way imaginable: forward on her bum, on her tummy, and backwards sitting up. Crazy girl!
We had Macy come join us too
Allie lasted about 45 minutes. It then started to really snow and the kids got cold. I tried to catch a picture of the falling snow seen in the picture above because it was really coming down
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