Considering that Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, it was great to have it extend over the whole weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed our Halloween festivities this year. Instead of just one day to enjoy we had the entire weekend to celebrate. Allie had a school party on Friday morning, we had a ward party on Saturday night, and we celebrated on Halloween by carving pumpkins, having dinner in a pumpkin, and enjoying the trick or treaters. The only thing that we didn't do was have a baby. Hopefully that comes soon!
Allie trying out the part of Captain Hook
Cute Tink ready for the night
At the request of Tinkerbell we all followed through with our assigned parts. She requested that Blake be Peter Pan, I was Wendy, and Papa was Captain Hook. It was a fun night!
Tinkerbell and Captain Hook heading off to trick or treat.
Peter Pan and Wendy back at the car handing out candy to the kids
Tired Tink crashed out in bed after a night filled with fun and sugar
Halloween day we carved out a pumpkin to cook dinner in
Allie was not going to touch the pumpkin guts at first. She worked awhile carving out the pumpkin with her spoon. She finally decided to dive in after observing me have some fun with the guts
She told me not to worry because she was going to "take care of the dirty work for me"
Allie loves everything raw....literally. When we make chicken nuggets for lunch Allie will sneak one before it goes into the oven and eat it frozen. When I am cutting up vegetable for dinner she grabs potatoes, squash, anything and eats them uncooked. So, what was different than a chuck of pumpkin going into her mouth. Well as you can tell she was not to fond of the raw pumpkin
A Halloween day storm brought us a beautiful rainbow. You can barely tell from the picture, but there was actually a double rainbow that appeared. There was another one right on top of the one seen in the picture
It wouldn't be dinner without the famous "dinner in a pumpkin." Here's to another great Halloween had by the Hansen household!