One more month has flown by and here are the random happenings captured around the house on the Iphone cameras
Allie found the biggest strawberry ever in a container from the store. We also made our first and not last batch of fruit leather. The girls, Blake and I loved, loved, loved how easy and yummy it was
We are officially asking for....2 front teeth for Christmas. Allie is loosing teeth like crazy and she has 2 more that are wiggly on the top. I love her toothless smile but it's a little sad that the baby teeth are leaving because that means my baby girl is growing up
Sophie has stayed busy cutting the grass which is a great activity for this girl. She loves scissors and there are endless amounts of blades of grass. She will be out in the lawn for extended periods of time trimming up the lawn. I'm sure Blake appreciates her hard work:)

The girls had some friends over and were playing nicely in the play room. I poked my head in to check on them and discovered Will's new bottle of teething tablets laying on the carpet; I had used them only once. The bottle lay open and empty on the floor and I immediately asked who opened the bottle. My honest little Sophie pipes up and says, "I did! They were yummy. I ate them all gone." In my panicked state I read all over the bottle and there was not one word about ingesting these pills and calling poison control. I called up Poison Control anyways because Sophie had literally ingested all but 3 of the 130 pills. To my relief the lady said this is the one medication kids can ingest all of and walk away unharmed. Thanks for choosing that right bottle to get into Sophie.
Allie created a temple one day after school. The yellow q-tip is Angel Moroni. I love how it was spelled "templ". Allie realized she forgot the "e" later on and added the addition to her masterpiece
Loving these three lately...they are all having so much fun together. Will is in love with his sisters and laughs as soon as he sees them enter the room....apparently they are really funny in his little world
Allie ran a fun run with her school
I had to snap a shot of my big girl in the waiting area of the Dr.'s office. I looked over to find Allie reading a magazine and thought "when did you get that big and grown up?"
Allie is inhaling banana's by the bunch. She eats them soft and frozen. I love opening up the freezer to find her baggy's of bananas. The way kids spell words makes me smile:)
I absolutely LOVE this age and this kid!!! Sophie is so much fun lately. Two things you can see Sophie with constantly are her oinky and sunglasses. One thing this kid wants to do all day long is ride her balance bike. She flies down the driveway on it and cruises around the neighborhood with the big kids.
Here's to hoping for another fun and busy month with my kiddos!