Well, Allie was hanging out with Blake while I was cleaning up breakfast before church. I could hear her keep saying "daddy," but Blake was a little preoccupied on the piano. Once I got the kitchen cleaned up I walked over to Allie, and she preceded to say "pee pee." I was shocked. We hadn't worked on sitting on the potty for quite some time, so I am not quite sure where that came from. About 2 weeks ago she started telling me she had gone poop, after the fact that she did it. The "pee pee" talk was quite out of the blue, so we marched upstairs, stripped off her pants and diaper and she didn't quite make it onto the potty, but she went. We still made a big stink about it only because she told us she needed to go and she did.
I saw this cute idea which I really liked on someone's blog. Every time the child goes on the potty, you get to put money in the pig. Eventually you take the money to go get a prize. This was a hit with Allie. She loved putting "money" in the pig.
Today I have tried to be diligent about putting Allie on the toilet. When she woke up we tried this morning, but no results. Then I put her on before nap time and we had success; she went again! I am very excited about this and hope things continue to progress forward since Allie is showing some interest. I need help and ideas for any other mom's out there who have done the whole potty training thing. I don't know if I am being to over the top by setting her on the pot a couple time a day. Let me hear what worked for you all.

What a fun idea! We're in that phase currently also, so I'm also trying out new ideas...thanks for this fun one. What a big girl, keep up the good work!
Kim!! hooray for blogs!!!! I've been wondering about you for ages. good luck with that potty training thing. I am terrified for that phase.
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