Mommy had ambitions to have you as my Halloween baby, but like always the man upstairs knows and has our best interest at stake. Mommy tried lots of things to get labor going and to get you out. After starting into labor spontaneously with Allie, 10 days early, I wasn't sure why you weren't coming. I tried everything to get things going; Allie and I ate a whole pineapple (supposedly that works-but not recommended due to the tingly tongue following), we climbed stairs, jumped on the tramp, tried nipple stimulation, sex, acupressure-nothing was working and I had kind of given up.
Finally, (you are very punctual already) I started into labor on your due date-November 14th. Throughout the day I had a few contractions that were a little more painful than they had been previously. While I was making dinner they also started coming more regularly than they been. Once I mentioned this to Blake he was all over helping me get you out. After dinner we went out to jump on the tramp as a family and then decided we were going to go on a walk to Papa Von's and Grandmas Julia's-2.5 miles from our house. We put Allie in the wee ride and she quickly fell asleep. This would be the last little walk our sweet family of three would take.

Arriving at Papa Von's House after our 2.5 mile walk. The last picture of our family of 3. If I only new you this was taken six hours before you would come out.
Once we arrived to Papa's and sat down the contractions stopped. We finally arrived home around 11 pm and a few contractions were coming here and there. I told Blake that I was going to hop in the tub to relax and see what that did. My contractions were coming about every 10 minutes in the tub. I would love to birth in the tub, the relief it provides you during the contractions is amazing. I was in the tub for almost an hour just watching the contractions to make sure they were going to keep coming. During this hour I kept hollering out to Blake to pack a few last minute things I didn't grab before getting into the tub. I stepped out of the tub and dried myself off, only to find I continued to have water dripping down my legs. It took me a second and a few more heavy contractions later to realize my water had broke. We immediatley called over Aunt Katie and left for the hospital.
Blake was speeding down the highway and I was crouched on the floor of the front seat trying to breathe through contractions. We arrived to the hospital about 12:45 a.m. the morning of the 15th and got everything situated for your arrival. I was trying to go natural like I did with Allie, only because she came so fast, but things were not going in my favor this round. I was exhausted, and they wouldn't let me get in the tub because your heart rate continued to drop when I would contract. At one point I had to get into the bed and lay on my side with some oxygen to get your heart rate to come back up. Laboring in bed was not my cup of tea. I finally got checked at 2:30 and was a 6. I felt so exhausted and told them I was on board for an epidural. Wow....what an enjoyable hour we had before you arrived. I LOVED my epidural. I was able to feel the pressure of you coming down and was able to help push you out and just loved the experience.
Finally, (you are very punctual already) I started into labor on your due date-November 14th. Throughout the day I had a few contractions that were a little more painful than they had been previously. While I was making dinner they also started coming more regularly than they been. Once I mentioned this to Blake he was all over helping me get you out. After dinner we went out to jump on the tramp as a family and then decided we were going to go on a walk to Papa Von's and Grandmas Julia's-2.5 miles from our house. We put Allie in the wee ride and she quickly fell asleep. This would be the last little walk our sweet family of three would take.

Arriving at Papa Von's House after our 2.5 mile walk. The last picture of our family of 3. If I only new you this was taken six hours before you would come out.
Once we arrived to Papa's and sat down the contractions stopped. We finally arrived home around 11 pm and a few contractions were coming here and there. I told Blake that I was going to hop in the tub to relax and see what that did. My contractions were coming about every 10 minutes in the tub. I would love to birth in the tub, the relief it provides you during the contractions is amazing. I was in the tub for almost an hour just watching the contractions to make sure they were going to keep coming. During this hour I kept hollering out to Blake to pack a few last minute things I didn't grab before getting into the tub. I stepped out of the tub and dried myself off, only to find I continued to have water dripping down my legs. It took me a second and a few more heavy contractions later to realize my water had broke. We immediatley called over Aunt Katie and left for the hospital.
Blake was speeding down the highway and I was crouched on the floor of the front seat trying to breathe through contractions. We arrived to the hospital about 12:45 a.m. the morning of the 15th and got everything situated for your arrival. I was trying to go natural like I did with Allie, only because she came so fast, but things were not going in my favor this round. I was exhausted, and they wouldn't let me get in the tub because your heart rate continued to drop when I would contract. At one point I had to get into the bed and lay on my side with some oxygen to get your heart rate to come back up. Laboring in bed was not my cup of tea. I finally got checked at 2:30 and was a 6. I felt so exhausted and told them I was on board for an epidural. Wow....what an enjoyable hour we had before you arrived. I LOVED my epidural. I was able to feel the pressure of you coming down and was able to help push you out and just loved the experience.
Sophie arriving to the world-3:55 a.m. the morning of November 15th
The Dr. proving the cord was cut by Blake. Blake was sitting on the side at this point trying not to pass out on us. He was not able to be down at the bottom when Allie was born because Allie came so fast and he was up by my head supporting me. This was a new experience for him this time and we have learned he doesn't tolerate the bottom view during labor very well
Our first family photo-minus Allie girl
Family Photos
Papa and Grandma Deb with their Hansen granddaughters
Sophie arrived just in time to meet Uncle Jeremy. He is heading overseas to Germany. We will miss you "old man"
Warming up after her first bath. I can't believe how little this girl is; a washcloth is covering her little body
The staff was great with Allie, involving Big Sis in everything. Getting to pick out sissy's hair bow
Sophie's 4th toe on the upper foot is smashed up from the womb. I'm hoping it will work it's way back
Welcome sweet sweet Sophie Bella!!! We are thrilled you are here!
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