Allie....I have got to write about what a great girl you are. I have had so much fun with you lately and you are constantly making me laugh. You are such a HUGE help with Sophie. I know that you are only 4 and I try not to take advantage of you, but most of the time you are helping me without even being asked. I will say, "I'm going to run and grab a burp rag for Sophie." You tell me "NO....Don't move......Don't look.....I'll be back." Then a minute later you are back with a burp rag. You are always trying to make Sophie happy when she is sad. You are always carrying her around and I have given up trying to have you not carry her around because it doesn't work and you are so good with Sophie that I don't even worry anymore. You are a natural little mommy.

Hanging out with your little sis
Hanging out with your little sis
Making me laugh when I walked into Sophie's room to find you up in the bumbo
One fun thing that we are working on right now is reading. You are super interested in trying to sound out words. You started out by first sounding out the letters, but you could never put it together to make a word. For example, "RUN" would be "RU" "U" "NNN." It has been quite the process and has taught me a lot of patience. Sitting with you while you repeatedly sound out a simple word, but are not able to put it together was so frustrating for me. But then one day it clicked and it was so rewarding to watch the light bulb in your head go off. The first book that we were reading was Go, Dog. Go. Your first word that you put together was "run." You put together quite a few small words in the book and you were so proud of yourself.
One funny instance from the other day was when you were trying to sound out the word "as." Well you can only guess how that one turned out. You kept saying, "aaaa" "ssss" and in my head I was like, yes "as" is it. Then after a few times of repeatedly saying it, out came the word "ass" from your mouth. I burst out laughing and ran to tell daddy your new word:)
You just melted my heart the other night. Daddy was gone for the evening and I was busy trying to square Sophie away for the night but wanted to come and snuggle with you. You told mommy that you were going to your room to wait for me and when I walked into your room and found you snuggled up asleep in your bed it made me tear up. I guess one because you are such a great kid, and two that you are old enough to just go get yourself in bed and put yourself to sleep. The fact that you are growing up and don't need me makes me sad, but so happy that you are so independent and learning so many new things. I love you Al!!!
So cute. I like the way you write your blog like a journal for Allie to read some day. Makes me miss you and your cute little family! They grow up so fast!
Love ya.
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