We have been enjoying our summer so far. We have been busy with lots of things and staying cool by enjoying many days spent in the water somewhere.

Hanging around.....love this girl
Sophie is starting to scooch her way around to wherever she wants to be. She also started a BAD habit that her daddy and Papa Von both have which is chewing her tongue. I don't know if this is a genetically wired problem, but it's horrible and I never thought my 7 month old baby would pick up on this
We headed out to enjoy the free fishing day with Papa Jim. The Fish and Game Department stocks ponds around the valley and opens them up to anyone to come and fish
We have also enjoyed lots of water activities this summer. Allie is doing swimming lessons and loving them. She is really getting the hang of things and has started to swim short distances. It is really fun to see her love for the water and to see her progress. We also have enjoyed many days at the water park this summer. Hopefully there are many more fun summer days ahead.
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