Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!! I can't believe that you are turning 5, but we have had lots of fun packed into those 5 years. Your big day had arrived and we had planned to just lay low and do have a family day instead of throwing you a party

For breakfast you wanted to go and get a bagel with cream cheese, so we decided to have the cousins meet us along with our neighbor Macy
For dinner we wanted to celebrate as a family and go somewhere fun. We had heard about Donny Mac's but had never been so we decided to try it out
We were lucky enough to get there as another family was leaving the car, so we took there place. There is one car in the middle of the restaurant that they remodeled and put a table inside of so that people can eat in it.
Allie and daddy
Me and Soph....it was a little tricky eating in the car without a high chair and having to hold onto the wiggle worm, but we did it
After dinner we took Allie to Wahooz where she got to do anything FREE for her birthday
She first wanted to go into Kiddie Cove
Swinging around

Next, she went and rode the go-karts with dad

Sophie has been standing all by herself lately. She loved watching the cars go round and round until she found some rocks to eat.
The final activity of the night was a round of mini golf
It had been quite a long time since Allie had golfed and now she is at the age where she actually gets it and had such a fun time playing
Happy Birthday sweet girl. It was so fun to spend such a great day with you and celebrate having you in our family! We love you!!!
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