Sophie loves balloons....anywhere we go she finds balloons. There will be balloons across the store that I don't see and she finds them. We were once swimming at the Y and there was a balloon floating up on the ceiling and Sophie kept saying, "bloon"-Sophie spotted it. So, your passion for balloons sparked my idea for a rainbow birthday.

My sweet neighbor helped me bring my vision to life. She brought her camera and followed me to an abandoned barn to take some 1 year photos that I wanted of you. I had seen this fun balloon arch somewhere and wanted to make it for your party and photo shoot
My sweet neighbor helped me bring my vision to life. She brought her camera and followed me to an abandoned barn to take some 1 year photos that I wanted of you. I had seen this fun balloon arch somewhere and wanted to make it for your party and photo shoot
Happy Birthday Baby makes me so sad when my babies turn 1. Don't get me wrong, I love how fun and interactive you become over the next few years, I just love my babies.
So cute! Good job mom! Happy 1st birthday Sophie!
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