It seems like every December we get to go and decorate gingerbread houses at the Histands. We got smart this year and found pre-fab houses; they were already put together

Our pre-fab house ready to be decorated
All we head to do was frost and decorate....Allie was really into the decorating this year. It was such a quicker process not having to wait for our walls to dry:)
The Johnson's
They brought a train that had to be built and weren't too happy with trying to get it to stick together:)
The finished house
Can't go wrong eating the extra frosting that is left over....right?
Finally smiling with their finished train
We had a second round of decorating this year with good old graham crackers.....I've got to remember that one for next year. When I was a kid I always made my houses with graham crackers and frosting. These houses brought back some good memories. Thanks to all our friends for having us over to decorate:)
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