When we found out that my dad was going to be in Seattle for Thanksgiving we made plans to crash the party and join everyone else too
Wednesday while my sister's kids were in school we headed to the Children's Museum. I can't even count how many children's museum's we have received FREE admission into because we bought a $25 pass to our local Boise Museum. It was a well spent $25!

Wednesday while my sister's kids were in school we headed to the Children's Museum. I can't even count how many children's museum's we have received FREE admission into because we bought a $25 pass to our local Boise Museum. It was a well spent $25!
The girls spent a good couple of hours having fun in this museum
Since it's usually just my sister and her little family on Thanksgiving they have a tradition of going to a restaurant on Alki Beach in Seattle for dinner. Since we were the guests, we joined them in their tradition and enjoyed all the yummy foods that were offered at this amazing buffet
We headed to the rec center to swim after our North Pole breakfast
Snow Flake Lane opened up while we were at my sisters. Snow Flake Lane is a fun little parade that happens every night until Christmas through the streets of downtown Bellevue. During the parade there are drummers that parade down the side walks playing all sorts of Christmas songs, while fake snow is being made and blown through the streets
One of our last stops in the city before we hit the road back home was the new ferris wheel out on the pier. The only one from my sister's family that wanted to ride was Miss Ainsley. We bundled our family and Ainsely into the car and got a beautiful view of the city. We had a great couple of days in Seattle. Thanks to the Little's for letting us crash!