Happy Birthday baby girl! You have grown up so much and are well beyond your years. We should have guessed that at 9 months when you were saying "kitty" you were going to be a talker. I have stopped tracking the words you say. When the Dr. asked me at your 2 year check up if you spoke in 2 word sentences I just laughed. You proudly stood up during your 2 year check up and belted out the ABC's to the Dr. He got quite the earful from you during this check up and realized why I chuckled about you talking in 2 word sentences. Some of my favorite phrases from you are
-Watch me
-I do it by myself
-who dat
-hold on
-do it time
-mamma let me do it
-I want a vwink of vwater

We love you Sophie girl and love all the crazy fun you bring into our house. You love to sing loud and will sing to everyone everywhere we go. You have so much energy it literally takes you hours to wind down at night time. Usually around 10 pm we stop hearing you talk to yourself and hear the songs stop. You are willing to share with everyone. If someone asks you for something you don't hesitate to give it. Someone once asked for your gum and you pulled it right out of your mouth and handed it over
-Watch me
-I do it by myself
-who dat
-hold on
-do it time
-mamma let me do it
-I want a vwink of vwater
We love you Sophie girl and love all the crazy fun you bring into our house. You love to sing loud and will sing to everyone everywhere we go. You have so much energy it literally takes you hours to wind down at night time. Usually around 10 pm we stop hearing you talk to yourself and hear the songs stop. You are willing to share with everyone. If someone asks you for something you don't hesitate to give it. Someone once asked for your gum and you pulled it right out of your mouth and handed it over
Your favorite food is noodles so we decided to go to the Spaghetti Factory for your birthday dinner. One of daddy's Young Men shared the same birthday with you so we picked him up and brought him with us
Once your bike was put together you were determined to cruise around on it that night. Unfortunately you were an inch short in reaching your feet to the ground. Hopefully by spring time you will be able to reach the ground and keep up with the neighborhood kids
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