Well I never thought I would become so domestic that I would be canning peaches for my family, but it happened and I loved it! You have to try canning if you never have to classify you into a "real" mom. My sister-in-law Katie found a great deal on peaches and canning jars. We got together and started canning peaches in the early morning. Word of advice to those out there looking into canning-find someone to can with. I am so glad that we teamed up and did this project together, because it would have taken either of us a longer time.
Some of the highlights from the day included two novice canners setting a towel on fire. A word of advice to everyone out there who bakes in the kitchen-Baking Soda is used for putting out small fires in the kitchen. In the midst of this towel burning, Katie was blowing on the towel trying to put out the fire and I am rumaging through the cabinet asking Katie if we throw Baking Soda or Powder on the fire. Neither of us knew what to do, and luckily Katie was able to blow enough air on the fire to get it extinguished.

Another great event that we experienced were a few exploding bottoms off the jars while we were boiling the jars to seal them. If any experienced canners know how to prevent this or what this is caused from, please let me know.
By the end our two kids were just at our feet crying for attention-they were so neglected all morning but at least they had each other. We ended up getting 43 bottles of peaches canned (despite the two that exploded, which would have made 45) and also froze and dehydrated a box for milkshakes and snacks.
I am very impressed! Way to go girls!
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