Well, I finally got my act together and put two and two together. I first have to admit that I am an anal budgeter; for some reason I love attempting to stay on track with my budget and keeping track of our family finances. Our grocery budget has been way over the entire summer which I attributed to two things; 1) Purchase of a deep freezer in the garage which I have loved slowing filling up, 2) the lack of my monthly menu planning. The meals calendar is a life saver for me because 1) I am not good at throwing meals together on a whim 2) When I don't have my grocery list, I don't know what to shop for at the grocery store and when I go I end up buying everything up the wazoo, hence my overspent grocery account.

I decided to start out the re-introduction of the menu calendar with Friday Night Pizza Night. I ended up making a yummy BBQ Chicken Pizza which Blake and I gobbled up. Since I will be holding this Pizza Night weekly on Friday's I am looking for any good pizza dough recipes out there. I have 3 but have rotated through all of them, and just haven't found a GREAT recipe that I love. Also anyone with other great recipes out there, send them my way. It is always nice to through a new recipe into the mix of the old.
Such a fun weekly tradition in our house too! There are a couple things that we do to 'mix it up' a little:
-Use French Bread or English Muffins instead of bread dough.
-Add string cheese to the edges of a regular pizza dough and fold over. (makes the 'Stuffed Crust') and then bake like normal.
-The Kids love this one: Thaw Rhodes Rolls until they're easy to work with. Roll them out and then place a couple tablespoons of different toppings in the center. Fold over like a calzone. Bake at 350 for about 10-12 minutes until brown. This way, the kids can have a hand in dinner and then they get to eat their creation! It's so messy, but so much fun!
-We also love to make the pizza be only cheesy/garlic bread. Then we'll dip the slices in the pizza sauce. Yum!
(I want your BBQ Chicken pizza recipe, sounds devine!)
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