We spent the weekend up at the cabin with Blake's brothers family who was in town from Utah. We also brought along Blake's little sisters. We had a great day playing in the creek, lake, sand, and sun

In the morning the dad's wanted to head off to the creek to fish and took the children with them
The kids had a great time catching tad poles while they patiently waited for the dad's to catch fish
Enjoying some sand time
It's always nice towards the end of summer because the water recedes from the rocks and sand is exposed. The kids always enjoy the little beach area

Sophie standing helpless at the top of the dock. Because of the split in the dock she usually won't cross over. Today she slowly made her way over. First, the bucket went over, then a toe followed by her clenching a rail and finally stepping over
Swim time
Sophie enjoyed watching all the big kids swimming underneath of her in the water
The girls all had fun swimming together. Sophie even shocked me and had a one time trip down the slide to get to "Tally" in the water
Warren really wanted to take someone on a ride on the lake; Allie jumped on board and the 2 cruised around for quite some time on the kayak
Sophie was a little reluctant to be back in the hammock. Earlier in the day she and I were swinging together when she got pelted by a pine cone a squirrel had shook down from the tree tops. It came down so hard, it actually split open her forehead and caused her to start bleeding.
Such a great family weekend relaxing and playing; I love summer days at the cabin!
Such a great family weekend relaxing and playing; I love summer days at the cabin!
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