Oh Sophie...you are so much fun these days and I don't know what I'd ever do without you in my life. You bring so much fun and laughter into our home; we never know what you are going to pull on us. I wanted to post a few of my favorite pictures I've collected of you lately

You love your "glasses." You always have them on whether we are inside or out
You love accessorizing in the bathroom. You are constantly putting on headbands, clips, flowers; whatever you can get your hands on. You are very independent and I'll find you up on the bathroom stool digging in the drawers placing whatever you can find in your hair
You absolutely LOVE to play beads with mommy, daddy, Allie; whoever will help you pop them together and make jewelry with you. Here are daddy's creations that you were very proud of and wore the whole day
You absolutely LOVE the splash pad in our new park. We usually go over in clothes and you end up leaving sopping wet but enjoy every minute of it
A new habit you have is stripping your pants and diapers off during naps and bedtime. You are really independent and pretty much potty training yourself. During the day you are constantly stripping down and running to the toilet to "pee in potty." We need to safety pin or duck tape your pants on during naps and night time because you obviously aren't making it to the bathroom and I am so tired of washing your sheets daily
Since you keep me laughing, running, and smiling, all day long I thought I'd document how you wind down after our exhausting days. I'm so glad you have a way to calm down because it takes you awhile. Every night you slide your fingers in the loops of "oinky's" ears and rub them; it calms you right down and works every time. We sure love you Sophie; I'm so glad I get to be your Mommy!!!
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