The Easter festivities started on Friday with a party at preschool

Allie and her "egg-tails"
After the school party we had some friends over to celebrate a birthday, dye eggs, and frost sugar cookies.
Allie and her "egg-tails"
After the school party we had some friends over to celebrate a birthday, dye eggs, and frost sugar cookies.
Saturday our morning started out bright and early with our favorite Easter egg hunt at Bear Creak Park. We enjoyed hot cocoa, Krispy Kreme's, bounce houses, face painting, and of course the egg hunt
I love the faces on the kids.....Allie and her buddies (Cam, Owen, and Taysha) counting down till they could run onto the field
Allie really loved the egg hunt this year. Allie added speed to her race this year, which she has never had before. She was running quickly to fill up her basket.
Every kid got 10 eggs and then they raised there hand to make sure that everyone got eggs. After that it's free rain for all the rest
Matching dresses from Grandma
The girls outside-Sophie was so tired; not falling asleep at all during church
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