The day had finally arrived and Blake was going into his first 1/2 marathon with very little training and badly beat up feet from soccer. I questioned whether or not he should go into the race due to the risk of injuring himself more, but my risk taker of a husband was going for it.

At the finish line of this gruesome race, I got to be a spectator ready to cheer my hubby on
At the finish line of this gruesome race, I got to be a spectator ready to cheer my hubby on
People lined the hillside and side lines to cheer the racers on. There is something magical about being at the finish line of a race and especially this one. I love cheering for all the runners and giving everyone a big clap for a job well done. I had butterfly's in my stomach as I waited for Blake to come around the final corner and across that finish line.
I got all excited inside when I finally saw him, knowing that Blake had accomplished something great
Blake's time for the 13.1 miles was 1 hour 50 minutes...averaging 8 minutes miles. Pretty impressive considering the first 8 miles are up hill reaching the 4,700 foot Aldape Summit. Blake was a little hard on himself due to the fact that he wanted to get in at 1 hour 45 minutes. He already has plans to beat every girl in the race for Robie 2012.
Crossing that finish line as runner number 121 of 2500 people. I'd say job well done!!!
Lachelle said she saw you at mile 6 - she was handing out oranges in a pirate hat. Good race.
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