Mom has been trying to work with you to get you to roll from your back to your stomach. I can't remember what way you are supposed to roll first, it seemed that's the way Allie rolled first so I've been pushing you to get moving. Well after time and time with no avail we tried you out for some tummy time. You usually just fuss during this time and lay there helpless not even fighting to get out of it. Well, you finally proved me wrong

First on your belly
First on your belly
Back up to fight and let me know you aren't to happy....eventually you made it to your back again
About to roll....had to get a quick picture of those elbow dimples
You absolutely love to be upside down. Wherever we go and if you are in my lap you flip upside down. Don't know if the world looks different this way or you love the rush of blood to the head but you love it
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