Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Field Day

We didn't have that many sunny days during our Spring Break so on one of those days, the awesome moms in our ward put together a field day out in our neighborhood for the kids.

Love how I as a mom was caught by a 9 year old spelling the word "course" wrong.  I had to go correct myself on all of the courses:)

Just a glimpse of what my camera could capture; we had over 50 kids show up

Not sure what it is, but Sophie HATES a crowd.  It doesn't go well since Blake and I love to be with people, but she is always whinning and clinging to me when we are out.

Here is Allie making her way through some of the courses

Jumping through hoops

Walking the tightrope

Three legged races

Walking with tin cans

Sack races

To top it off we had a handful of the older kids in our ward volunteer to paint the little ones faces; seriously such great kids and a fun morning outside burning off energy.