Monday, December 7, 2009

First Snow

We got snow for the first time this winter.  I just love it!!!!  I get so excited when it starts to snow and have so many  memories flood my memory reminding me of the days I got bundled up as a kid and enjoyed playing in the snow, came inside to drink hot chocolate, and laid across the heaters in my house warming back up.  Oh memory lane; I hope Allie and I can create some great memories too. 


Allie and I could hardly wait for the snow to accumulate before we were outside playing it

I rigged up our sled and a jump rope so that I could pull Allie for a spin around the neighborhood

She thoroughly enjoyed her ride and I was loving the workout  that I got as I ran up and down the streets with my snow gear on pulling my 3 year old in the sled.  I would stop for a moment to rest and Allie would yell, "more mommy more."

Max wasn't quite sure what to think of the snow but decided to join us for the afternoon.  He would hide under the cars in dry places and then come running out in the snow looking for dry patches in the grass.  We hope there is lots more to come for everyone.