Tuesday, July 6, 2010



We are just thrilled for this little Miss to be joining our family.  When I was pregnant with Allie I was 100% sure she was a girl.  I was so sure that I wore a purple top and pink pants down to the ultrasound.  Well, this time a round I was pretty sure that it was a boy.  I wouldn't say I was as confident as I was with Allie, but I was pretty sure.  Blake was also sure that it was a boy.  So this whole time I was pretty sure that it was a boy, but deep down I was really wanting a girl. 

 Well, I can't tell you how great it felt to be wrong.  When the technician started to look at the kidneys, I jumped ahead and was viewing the genital area.  I was like, "there is nothing hanging out down there."  I was thinking, "it's a girl, it's a girl."  The technician finally caught up to me and definitely confirmed that it was indeed a girl.  I'm so excited and looking forward to my two little girls.  

I am very relieved to have the ultrasound over and to be reassured that we have a healthy girl.  I have been so paranoid this pregnancy.   When I was pregnant with Allie I didn't have a care in the world, ignorance was bliss.  Now that time has passed, I have been a witness to too many problems in the hospital that I was so nervous there would be a problem with my baby.  I was dreaming that this baby had problems and was so anxiety stricken over it.  I am just relieved that she is healthy and I don't need to worry anymore.

I haven't written about this pregnancy at all, so I want to write a few things down that I have had on my mind. So far this pregnancy has been pretty easy, just like it was with Allie's.  I started to get nauseated a little bit later than I did with Allie, around 8 weeks with this pregnancy compared with 6 weeks with Allie.  My nausea this go around lasted till right before my 16th week, about 3 weeks longer than it did with Allie.  During this pregnancy I was able to take the Unisom and Vitamin B6 combo which definitely improved my nausea and made it much more tolerable.  

There have been a few other things that have been different for me this go around compared with my pregnancy with Allie.  The first thing that has been different is my skin.  When I was pregnant with Allie I had great skin; I remember thinking how I wanted to be pregnant all the time because my skin was so smooth and I had no acne.  This go around my skin has continued to brake out and it has been so dry and flaky all over, especially my legs; that was one reason I thought the baby was for sure a boy.

Another area that has been different are my food cravings.  I have craved fruity things this entire pregnancy.  I could eat fruit all day long; veggies weren't so tempting in the beginning, but they are growing back on me.  When I was pregnancy with Allie I wanted lots of greasy, fast food.  No wonder I gained so much weight with her:)  

Another new thing is exhaustion!!!  I think this problem just gets worse with subsequent pregnancies. There are more things to keep you busy as a mom and children that you are tending to, that by the end of the day I was done.  I was passing out with Allie around 8:30-9:00 p.m. in the first trimester of my pregnancy and could hardly wake myself up in the morning.  My poor house fell apart.  Thank goodness your energy returns for a time being so you can pull things back together before the baby arrives. 

We have loved being able to be pregnant again and are so blessed she is healthy as can be.  I was excited to start to feel our little miss move around 14 weeks.  Having been pregnant before, you are able to recognize and pick up on that feeling a little bit sooner.  The night before the ultrasound (last night), she was very active.  It was the first time we could really feel her moving from the outside; I guess she was getting excited for the big day.  Blake and Allie are loving every minute and we are getting very excited to have the time quickly pass by so we can meet this cute girl!


Unknown said...

Kim! How exciting. You are such a good mom. It will be a blast to have two sweet girls. Good luck and keep us updated:)

Hillary said...

Oops... that was from me. I was signed in as my hubby. So no, it's not a stalker just me.

The Blaisdell Family said...

So happy for you Kim! Sounds like your want for girls was how I was with boys. People thought I was weird when I said I wanted #2 to be another boy, I was SO happy #3 was a girl, but wanted #4 to be another boy. I love the genders we have in our family and wouldn't trade it for anything!

That's crazy about your skin, each pregnancy brings something new to the table huh? I would assume a boy if that happened too. Crazy pregnancy stuff!

SOOOO happy she's cooking on the healthy side :) I am so nervous about "bad" things during pregnancy too. You just never know!

You are a super cute preggo mama and will be an incredible mom to both your sweet little girls.

Megan Davenport Cannon said...

Wow, I didn't even know you were pregnant! Congratulations! Two girls is very fun indeed :)

Kelly, Aaron and now...Kayleigh said...


I am soooo excited for you guys! Congratulations! When Kelly told me I truly was elated, just kept waiting for you to post it on here! TWO girls WOW

Anna said...

YAY! Congrats Blake and kim. We are excited for your new addition.

Sarah Spends Less said...

I'm so excited for you! Grandma called me the other day and let me know you were having another girl. I love having my two boys- and I think it'll be really fun for you to have two girls- two of the same is a blast!

The second pregnancy was completely different for me too- the first child takes so much of your energy.

We're looking forward to your visit in a couple weeks!

nurseheather said...

congratulations kim. i totally knew it was a girl and now i'm glad it is confirmed. how totally fun to be an estrogen run family!!!