Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Will's Birth

My labor started out on Tuesday morning in a not so ideal situation.  Allie had been sick over the weekend with a horrific stomach bug.  I was very close to taking her into the ER which says how bad she was because I never like to take my kids to the Dr. let alone the ER.  Allie wouldn't move as she lay on the couch and complained of central abdominal pain that had moved to her right side by Sunday morning.  She said nothing sounded good to eat or drink and was so lethargic.  Usually after vomiting, which she only did once on Saturday evening, you feel like eating.  Allie wanted nothing to do with food and she could barely walk to the bathroom. Thankfully by Monday she was feeling better, but I had unfortunately gotten this horrible bug late into the night on Monday.  By Monday evening I had assumed Allie's spot on the couch and couldn't move because my stomach was in knots.  I didn't sleep very well through the night and either did Blake.  I woke up vomiting around 2 am and continued to vomit and dry heave the rest of the night.  The stomach cramps were horrible and around 7 am I could not stop dry heaving and I started contracting every 3-5 minutes.   I felt so awful and didn't want to be in labor.

Once we arrived to the hospital at 8:30 am they put me in triage.  When they checked me I was still a 3 and 60%.  The nurses and MD thought my body started to contract due to being so dehydrated..  They started an IV and began to pump in IV fluids and anti-emetics to stop me from feeling so nauseated.  The initial nausea meds weren't working so the they gave me something stronger which ended up knocking me out for a few hours.  Around 12:30 I was back awake, my stomach cramps were still there and I was feeling so horrible.  I was still at a 60% and 3 cm dilated and they began to give me Morphine to help with the stomach cramps.  They took off the monitors because I was rolling around in the bed in so much pain.  At 2 pm they gave me another dose of Morphine and started to get discharge paperwork ready because my contractions had slowed down and I was still at a 3.  The transport person came to escort me out to the car at 3:30 and I insisted I wasn't leaving.  I wasn't sure how I was going to manage at home and didn't want to get home and have to turn around and come all the way back.  I felt like I had truly started into labor at this point and wanted to the nurse to check me one last time. Sure enough I knew I was right and I was at 6 cm....I was getting admitted and little William was getting ready to make his debut.  As tired and exhausted as I was I just wanted everything to be over.   After getting me transferred into my delivery room I got my epidural and was at 9 cm at 5 pm.  I thought for sure this little guy would be flying right out.  Well 6 and 7 p.m. quickly passed and I was stuck at a 9.  Finally at 7:45 I reached a 10 and it took a couple pushes for Will to make his arrival at 8:05 pm

Our little man weighed in at 7 lbs 15 oz. and measured 21.5 inches

This sweet baby was born with a head of dark hair just like Sophie

The girls came up that night to meet little Will.  It's always a hard time for Allie to be away from us.  Allie always wants to stay with us and the new baby at the hospital.  

The next day everyone was feeling a little better

Allie is always such an amazing little helper with the babies.  She doesn't hesitate to step in and help out when she sees the need.  

Our famous picture, Blake on the inside getting our reactions from the outside during the 1st bath....Allie loves to watch the babies get their first bath.  

Will was not to excited about being all wet

Big sis!

Sleeping away in the bassinet

Some shots of the hospital room while we were packing up and getting ready to head home

Getting some last minute shots in the going home outfit

Who wants to place bets that the cow becomes Will's favorite animal:)  The pig in Sophie's newborn photos became her "oinky" and she is inseparable from this pig