Monday, November 19, 2012

Turkey Trot

Our ward put on our second annual Turkey Trot for the kids.  The race course is a one mile loop around the school track.  New additions this year included a t-shirt and a photo shoot in the end.   I love the girls in my ward and all the prep they put into making such fun events for our kiddos

Allie prepping herself for the race

The start and finish sign revived from last year

They were off and there were only a few kids trampled over off of the start line

Allie completing her first of three laps

Sophie wanted to join in on the fun this year so she walked one lap with Blake.  When she got close to the finish line she let go of Blake and started to run; way to go Soph

Here are two of my turkeys after the friend Brooke cut out lots of cute sign holders the kids could choose from for the picture.  Happy Thanksgiving!!!