Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lake Powell-Dog Days

I can't believe 2 years has rolled around again and with it came one more baby to take with us to Lake Powell.  I'm not going to to lie, I was really really nervous about this trip which is not like me.  Allie knows how to swim, Will can't crawl, but Sophie had me worried sick.  I knew at times I would be caught up with Will and I knew Sophie would love to run around with the big kids.  Blake expressed he would be her buddy 24 hours a day and he hoped that would calm my nerves.  I still couldn't figure out why I was so nervous, if it was a prompting I needed to be listening to or if it was just me worrying about my crazy 2 year old.  Thank goodness for prayer and the comfort of the spirit.  After getting on my knees one night at bedtime and pondering about the trip, I woke up and felt totally at peace with our decision to go.  So 10.5 hours in the car and 3 kids later we arrived at Bullfrog!

Saturday morning the dad's got out early and started loading the boat with all of our stuff; this is a major undertaking and I am so glad I get to be on kid duty during this craziness

On the boat docks waiting for the dads

The crazy cousins on top of the boat riding down the channel...Sophie was immediately strapped into her life vest and didn't get out of it much during the trip.  Luckily she was a trooper about my analness and didn't seem to mind

One of our favorite things for the little ones is the inflatable pool we put on the top deck of the houseboat

The boys found us an awesome little cove to dock the houseboat for the week

Kid's jumped in the water and were immediately relieved of the 110 degree heat wave that set in for the first few days

Sunday morning we set out on a hike before it got to hot....we just love exploring up these little canyons

We didn't make it too far up before our little buddy needed to head back.  Will got sick on Saturday night right when we docked the boat.  He was still under the weather Sunday and continued with high fevers until Tuesday afternoon.  It was a little scary to be in the middle of no where with a sick baby.  Thank goodness for priesthood blessings and Tylenol

Sophie with mud on her face....not a fan of the muddy hike.  This little girl can't stand to have dirty hands, let alone mud in her mouth

Beating the 110 degree heat by turning on the slide

Everyone was jumping in the water to stay cool

Allie and Lucy

Monday we decided to beat the afternoon heat and work on crafts.
Boondoggles and super hero paper cups