Monday, August 6, 2007

Settler's Park

Another fun thing we did while the Hansen Gang was here was a picnic at Settler's Park. Most of the Boisean's know about this park; it's a great park with water fountains and great playground equipment. As you can see all the kids had a blast in the water and on the playground. The one nice thing is there is a little playground off to the side for smaller kids, which Allie loved exploring.

Jane and Warren having fun in the water

Allie's first time climbing through a tunnel

Natalia and Lilia trying to bring the babies down the slide

Allie having a blast on the miniature playground

These swings are hilarious. I just had to put Allie in one and take her picture.


Just Only Me said...

I can't believe that I didn't know about his awesome park before you told me about it! It was fun to have lunch there and play. Allie is so dang cute in her pictures, what a sweet family you guys make!