Saturday, August 9, 2008

Rafting the Main Payette

I have lived in Idaho a majority of my whole life and have never experienced rafting (excluding the Boise River). If anyone else out there is in my same boat, it is a must. It was a BLAST! We are definitely doing this again. We headed up to Banks, Id, only 1 hour away, and rafted the stretch on the Main Payette which ended at Beehive Bend. We definitely had fun in the sun!

The gorgeous scenery that accompanies you down the river

Blake with a mouth full and our lovely "puff" vests that we got to wear


nurseheather said...

ok - i'm officially jealous - i would love to go but there is a little problems...the kids. not sure what to do with them unless the rafting company offers free babysitting with every ride??? maybe someday. looks like a blast though

Megan Davenport Cannon said...

We did a little bit during a YW activity back in the day, but other than that I haven't really done that stretch. Looks like fun! I'm glad you guys got to do it and enjoyed yourselves

Slades said...

so fun! we float the provo river a few times every summer. But rafts would be better, last time we took a blow up mattress that didn't make it very far.

Webbs said...

This is not really a comment so much as the only way I know to get a hold of you! This is Brooke (Jones) and I heard you're starting to look for people for the reunion. Could you email me at and let me know a better way to get in touch with you!? Thanks!

Webbs said...

This is not really a comment so much as the only way I know to get a hold of you! This is Brooke (Jones) and I heard you're starting to look for people for the reunion. Could you email me at and let me know a better way to get in touch with you!? Thanks!