Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Allie Moments

10-1-I was supposed to be getting Allie ready for bed when I got side tracked. I ran into to check a few things on the computer and saw that a cancer patient that I had taken care of numerous times passed away. I started crying. I went into Allie's room and started getting her pajamas on and thoughts of this young man came to my head. I started just sobbing. Allie came and threw her arms around my neck. Allie then proceeded to take out her binkie and gave me a kiss on the lips. Then, she asked me in a very concerned voice, "What's wrong mommy?" Little kids this young can clue in so well. It made my heart so warm to see the response that my 2 year old daughter had toward her mom who was uncontrollably sobbing.

We had just finished getting Allie dressed. We came into my bedroom to get dressed, and Allie says, "Mommy, wear purple like me." Well I did and we had a great day being dressed in our purple shirts. Thanks Al!

I was in the office and heard the toilet flush. I thought Allie had went to the bathroom. Allie comes running in and says, "Mom, Cinderellie went poop!" I just bust up laughing.

You absolutely are getting to be like your mom when I was little.  You have this funny issue with the sleeves on your shirts.  You can handle short, or long sleeves...but absolutely hate it when I try to roll up your long sleeves when we are eating or doing something messy.  Today I put on a 3/4 length sleeve and you absolutely had a fit!  You grabbed the sleeve and tried to pull it down to your wrist, as if I had rolled up a loinog sleeved shirt.