Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Week of being BALD

Well it has been an interesting week to say the least.  I have LOVED having my head shaved.  I love how fast I can get ready.  I love how I can quickly jump in and out of the shower and throw on some make-up and go.  I love how you don't have to think about this aspect of yourself and making yourself pretty, and how you come to realize that you are a beautiful person and "hair" doesn't make you more beautiful (maybe it does a little).  Blake loves me hair-less too:)  It's always a bonus when your spouse still finds your attractive, maybe even more attractive without hair.  I was thrilled when we went to pack my bags for Blake's Grandma's funeral and I didn't need to throw in my blow dryer, the curling iron, the straightner.....oh my the list of hair care products.  My one complaint, if I may just have one, is that you don't realize how much heat is held in by your hair and how freezing cold your whole body is when your hair is gone.  I have been wearing a beanie around the house to stay warm.  I bought a new wardrobe of hats (prior to the shave), thinking that I was going to be wearing hats every day, but they feel really funny on a bald head.  There is all of this dead space above the hat and it is a weird feeling.  The down side of wearing my beanie every day is I am breaking out across my forehead because I am constantly wearing my beanie.  

My friend had mentioned how she was going to record thoughts from her first week bald and I really liked the idea and wanted to share some of my experiences.  Some observations that I have had out in public the last week have been unexpected and surprising.  I truly forget that I have no hair and so having lots of random acts of kindness has been so appreciated.  It makes me realize that I need to go out of my way and be the initiator of random kindness towards others, just because it makes you feel good.  

When I go out in public I don't wear anything over my head, I usually just wear my beanie around the house.   I have only had good things to say about how nice people have been.  I don't know what their thoughts are when they look at me,  I'm assuming most people think I have cancer, but everyone has been so compassionate.  Complete strangers will just walk up and say, "how are you?",  "are you doing okay?"  Depending on my time frame, I will fill them in on the scoop of what my cause was, but other times I have just responded that we are doing GREAT!  Besides peoples concerns that they have expressed verbally, people have been so kind in their actions.  Whether it has been people letting me go in front of them in a line, people offering to bring dinner and pie over (Blake was a little mad I didn't take this offer up), people are so nice.  It is interesting that I don't get these actions of kindness in a "normal" day of life, but I guess we can all start to be more aware of others and offer kindness ourselves.

Here is one week post-shave

I am sad that my hair is truly growing fast.  I have contemplated whether I am going to shave it again because I am enjoying my time not doing my hair.  I know it still doesn't require maintenance at this point, but soon enough I will have to weigh the decision whether to let it grow or buzz again.


MEG said...

I like it! No hair prep sounds fabulous!

Megan Davenport Cannon said...

What a neat post Kim, thanks for sharing :)

Lachelle said...

I love my short hair--once you try it, there's no going back. You go girl!