Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dryer Baby

Sophie turned three weeks this past week and wow did things change.  She started to become fussy fussy fussy. At first we thought it was just colic and then it turned into me ruling out reflux.  One night Blake and I could not get Sophie calmed down for several hours so we finally ended up packing into the car and driving and eventually that seemed to calm her down.  In talking with a friend, she suggested her baby liked being placed on top of the dryer because it seemed to provide the same movement as the car.  Well the dryer trick has started to work over the past few days, but the spitting up, screaming, and arching of her back continued to get progressively worse so into the Dr. we went. Sophie was diagnosed with Reflux and was started right away on Zantac.  Here's to hoping that the future is brighter and there are many more happy time on the dryer.


nurseheather said...

oh i'm so sorry to hear. i remember those days all too well. the crying, fussiness, crying, spitting up, crying.....aaaaah. nothing worked with that child. but my friend blew out her dryer using it for her fussy baby. so be careful - or buy a new dryer and have a happy baby. hmmmmm. here's to better days and anti reflux meds