Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years and Ice Skating

 Blake's brother's family came into town the weekend of New Years to support us for Sophie's blessing.

We headed over to some good family friends on New Years Eve to enjoy food, games, and good company.  An attempt at a cousin photo-missing Seth

The kids using their poppers to ring in the new year at 10 pm-they didn't know the difference between midnight and 10, so why let them think they were missing out

Allie showing me her splits

Allie is always thrilled when her cousin Jane comes to town and loves to spend time with her.  She looks up to her a lot and Jane is such a great example and tolerates Allie even thought she's 1/2 her age.  They were able to have a few hours to themselves Saturday afternoon.  They had a great time putting puzzles together

Jane wanted to pretend she was shocked at the completion of their puzzle

Enjoying the dress up clothes

On Saturday night, I don't know what I thinking heading out for a late night the night before Sophie's blessing, but we headed off to the ice rink.  Everyone ready to go skate

It ended up being a short adventure for all the kids.  They didn't have the little skater assistance tools for the kids, so they basically had to be attached to an adult so they didn't fall.  There were lots of laughs, falls, head bangs, and crys, but all in all we had a great time