Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 6- Bounce House and Park

Our final day had arrived and we packed it with some more fun.  We headed off to a new bounce house my sister's kids had never been too.  It's always fun to be in a new place, so they bounced away for hours.

Sophie girl happy about life

I love the expression of the girls' faces on this photo even though it's very blurry

There was a big flat jumping pad for kids 5 and younger; it was almost like a big trampoline.  Allie loved playing on this

Sophie did some hanging out on it too

Allie taking Sophie for a ride down the slide.  Sophie went with me a few times and then of course loved it much more when she was with her little mother Allie :)

Sophie and me hanging out watching the kids

After the bounce house we headed off to the park to enjoy another sunny afternoon.  The kids had a blast on these little seats that were slightly tilted and would spin you so fast once you got going.   Allie hopped in one as soon as we got to the park.  I was across the way pushing Sophie in a swing and could see Allie start to turn. All of a sudden I heard her screaming, "MOMMY....MOMMY.....Stop me."  She was hysterical in seconds and it was one of those moments I couldn't make it over to her so another sweet mom beat me to Allie and got her out.  Needless to say she didn't hop into one of those again

Adam thoroughly enjoying the spin

So did miss Ainsley girl

Sophie liked sitting stationary and not spinning.  I think she would have been thrown if I would have let go because it goes so fast

Allie found a new spinning toy that wouldn't go so fast and that she could get off of all by herself

We had such a great trip seeing the Little family.  We are so sad to wrap it up but so excited to be getting back to Boise to see our daddy who is anxiously waiting for us to return.