Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve

We headed to Blake's Dad's house for New Years Eve and they had decided we were ringing in the new year with a Mexican Party.  We got some Mexican dinner, had a pinata, and created our own Mariachi band with a house full of wild, excited kids:)

The pinata with the Sombrero that you had to wear when you took a swing at the horse

Sophie loves hats and tried the Sombrero on for a bit; the hat was so big you could only see Sophie's little legs sticking out underneath

Sophie checking out the donkey

Let the fun begin...we went youngest to oldest taking turns with the ensemble; the hat, blindfold, and stick in hopes that someone would bust open a hole to get to the candy  

Peyton got the hang of things really quickly and in true boy fashion, loved waking the horse with a stick

We first lost the head of the donkey and it became Blake's new hat

Someone finally busted a hole and the kids went crazy, gathering all the candy they could

Thanks Papa and Grandma,  we had a fun night ringing in the New Year.