Saturday, February 14, 2009

Miss Helper

My girl has been quite the helper lately.  The other day instead of quiet time she was put to work helping me clean downstairs.  I don't know why I have always been nervous to do my weekly cleaning with Allie around; probably because I think everything is going to become undone and it is going to take me way longer.  I was WRONG!  Allie wanted to join in on the cleaning fun the other day and she was great!  I think I actually cleaned faster having her help, and she worked her little tail off.  She cleaned my toilet, dusted the pictures, washed the walls, and cleaned in my fridge.  Now, many things I had to go over and redue with her, but if I can get this girl trained she is going to be a big helper.  Thanks girl!

Ready to work with gloves and a smile on her face

That hat looks familiar-If you look closely in the bottom right hand corner you see the silverwear container from the dish washer.  Allie's new chore has been to unload the silverwear into the drawer and find the "matches."  She loves it and it buys me some time to put the rest of the dishes away quickly.