Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Where is Allie?

Well a dirty little secret I have to share is YES Allie ends up in our bed probably 95% of the time at night. She comes in anywhere from 2-6 am.  The problem with this bad habit is that I am totally oblivious to the fact that she gets in the bed (Any old roomates will know what a deep dead sleeper I am-those darn alarm clocks that I would leave ringing). The other sad part is she gets in on my side of the bed every night, and I am still out too cold to realize it.  The other flip side of the scenario is that Blake rather enjoys having her in the bed.  He is fully aware of her presence into our room, but just lets her stay.  So, about this picture.  Allie is into burying her face in the mornings when we are up getting ready and she is still trying to stay asleep.  Lately it has been under a pillow; but today it was the duvet cover.  I walked in to find legs sticking out and yes her face under the duvet.  I had to lift it up to make sure she was breathing (nurse-mom instict).  Silly Girl!

Where is Allie?


Marisa said...

My boys do the same thing only there are two of them so I start to get the squish down! They do go to bed in their own beds which I think is the important part plus I kinda like snuggling my little monkeys when they aren't jumping all over the place!

Mike and Kelli said...

I know lots of families that let their kids sleep with them into toddler-hood. I say as long as everyone is getting a good night's sleep then great! When Gracie climbs into bed with us (aka-last night when she came in crying telling us there were spiders and ants in her room) none of us sleep. It is ridiculous and we all end up quite cranky, so we have to be firm about her sleeping in her own bed (the exceptions being if she is scared, sick, or has to go potty). Anyway, no judgment here! Enjoy the snuggle time!
Kelli & Mike