Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's hot and getting hotter!

We have been enjoying some spring weather these past few days. It is supposed to continue for the next few days hiking it's way into the 80 degree range. Allie has been staying cool with fudgsicles. Yummy! I haven't taken pictures in so long, I can't believe how old Allie looks in pictures and how long her hair is getting. I don't know why things look so different in pictures and why I don't realize these things right before my eyes.

I guess it's been so long since I have taken pictures that when I told Allie to smile, she did!


Bryndee Slade said...

I agree. I was thinking that as soon as I looked at the pictures! She looks alot older now. How old is she?

Stephanie Johnson said...

Kim that is so funny you said that about how fast they change and you don't really notice it. Just tonnight I was going through Spencer's wallet and found an old picture of Sofie and I couldn't stop laughing I was like is this really what she looked like? So funny. And I too agree that I think Sofie and Allie would make a great pair- i wish we lived closer- we still don't know where we are going to end up so I will keep my fingers crossed.