Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Field Trip to Farmstead

Allie had her first preschool field trip this year and I tagged along with about every other mom.  We visited the Farmstead Pumpkin Patch and had a great time.  I was very impressed with their "preschool program" that they put on for the kids.  We started out by going to the animal farm and singing "Bingo", "Old McDonald," and a few other favorite farm songs.  We got to ride out on the hay ride to pick a pumpkin, jump on the jumping pillow, play in the corn box, ride on the cow train, and explore the kid maze.  The one thing I was very disappointed about was me forgetting the memory card for the camera.  I thought the entire time that I had been capturing all of these great moments along the way.  One more thing to blame on this pregnant brain of mine.  At least I ended up finding my little point and shoot at the end of the trip and captured a few photos.

The preschool class riding on the cow train

Brynn and Allie riding on "Sweet Pea"

Allie making her way through the kid maze

A picture of me and my little girl to prove that I did in fact attend the field trip-37 weeks prego and all

We found this cute baby goat on our way out; it was ready to take a ride in the wagon.