Thursday, October 7, 2010

Preschool Zoo Class

Allie and I signed up for a 4 week preschool zoo class and finally got in.  I have heard a lot of good things about the class and I have seen in the past how the class fills up immediately upon opening.  It worked out to be perfect timing for the class and a fun little activity that Allie and I could do together before the baby arrives.  I was very impressed by the structure of the class and the activities that they had lined up for us.  We first started out by talking about a specific animal species; today was reptiles.  We then read a book about this animal group and then had a few hands on experiences.  Our first hands on experience was sitting in a big circle while we were introduced to EVE-the live Boa who slithered around in the middle of our circle.  The kids each got to get up and go and touch EVE, the enormous 8 foot long snake.  I was very impressed with this hands on experience.  We then trekked through the zoo finding all the rest of the reptiles that they had.  For our final activity we came back and were able to make a craft.  It wasn't a chintzy cheap craft that I come home and throw in my trash; it was a very fun cute snake made out of fabric that we braided.  Let's just say week 1 of Preschool Zoo Class didn't disappoint; let's hope there is more fun to follow.

Eve making her appearance in the circle

I was shocked by Allie's reaction to the snake.  When they told us to move to the other room because we were going to be meeting a large snake,  Allie was the first one up from the table. She RAN into the other room where the snake was and YES she went right over to pet the snake.  I was not expecting this reaction from my little girl, but glad she enjoyed her experience.  I on the other hand had to hide my reaction for "fear of snakes" and pretend that I was really excited sitting on the floor with this large Boa slithering next to me

Eve coming by me for another close encounter

After our fun zoo class, we were in the zoo, which meant we could spend all the time that we wanted there.  We went to check out our new baby giraffe.  Our zoo has a bad track record for giraffes dying for some reason so hopefully we can keep this cute little one

Allie enjoyed climbing on the animals