Friday, July 15, 2011


What you've been up to lately
  • You are on the MOVE.  You are officially an army crawler and getting wherever you want to go.  You are also standing at your activity table for quite some time.  I have caught you letting go and just standing by yourself in the middle of the room.  
  • You have had some cranky fussy spells lately; I have a hunch that you might be teething.  You have been waking up on sporadic nights during the week and you will just scream.  You won't nurse or take the binky.  It's made for some fun nights for me:)
  • Whenever you see Max you spit.  It's the funniest thing ever!!! You are spitting a lot of other time too, but Max will always initiate a spit from you.  Because you are on the move, you have crawled after Max a number of times.  If you bug the cat to much, he lets you know and playfully fights with you.  On one occasion you got a small scratch on the face from him. 

American Cutie

Always trying to move and get out of whatever is restraining you.  Everyone has commented on how much you move lately.  Y staff workers, people at church, the store.  No one can believe that you are constantly wiggling, jumping, and bouncing, in my arms.   Glad people are aware of how much you wear me out some times.

No that you are on the move watch out.  Allie had built a big tower and you knocked the tower over in one swift motion.  I love Allie's face in this picture....she was shocked you came from afar and destroyed quickly!

You and Allie are the best of buds