Monday, September 26, 2011

Consignment and Canning

Seriously, where did the month of September go to?  I can't believe it's the end of the month and what in the world have we been up to?  Well, me and Katie (my sister-in-law) had our semi annual children's consignment sale- Boise Kidsignments- and that always takes up a good two weeks of my life.  The sale is so worth my time and so much fun.  Don't talk to the boys, they are set-up and take-down committee, and I think they have different feelings about the sale.  I sure do appreciate them though!  I end up walking out with a lot of good finds from the weekend as well as purging myself from things at my house.  I love seeing all of our consignors and the familiar shoppers that return ever time

We hold the venue inside of a church in downtown Boise; it's such a great set-up but we seem to be busting at the seems for more room.  Since we have taken over the sale from our friends we have implemented Credit Card Machines and this sale was our first at trying out a bar code system for the tagging process.  I think we are done with the improvements for awhile.  I feel up to par now:)

Once the sale stuff was wrapped up it was due time for canning;  cucumbers, tomatoes and peaches were all ready.  Here was my process:  jars washed, sugar water made, food prepped and canned, jars sealed, jars washed off, put away under the stairs, kitchen cleaned, floors mopped and re-mopped, check, check, check

I bottled up Cucumbers for the first time this year with my friend Kelly.  Katie and I bottled peaches once again, we are hoping we get a break next year:)  I've been canning tomatoes from the garden every time I get a batch to build my stock for the winter.  Blake is promising me he'll Salsa it up with me:)  After we finish up all this Salsa I think I'm calling it good and settling in for winter.   


Alisa said...

I need to move to Boise! Seriously, I want to can and consign with you girls!!