Saturday, September 3, 2011

Labor Day

What a long post for a long weekend.  For Labor Day Weekend we headed up to McCall with the Hansen Family.  The point of our trip was to drive up to Grandma Susan's plane crash site.  It had been 10 years since anyone had gone up there, so we wanted to take the long weekend to make the trip in.  We first started by going to the cabin and spending the night so we could wake up and leave to the crash site, getting a few hours head start

Getting ready for the trip in.  The boys had estimated it being a 2 hour car trip in

4 HOURS and BUMPY BUMPY roads in we finally made it.  We had to take in the SUV, Trucks, and the Jeep because the roads were so bad.  Sophie was not to thrilled to be bounced around in the jeep for that long.

The memorial rock that was brought into the crash site years ago

Grandma Susan's grand kids (minus Sophie) who was sleeping in the car

Kind of crazy that to this day there are plane pieces still strewn all over the meadow where the plane crashed.  Every time people make it in they see how many pieces they can find and place them all at the memorial

Our little family

Pieces that we had found that morning

I had to bust out some new tricks to entertain Sophie because she was not thrilled we were back in the car seat #1, and also back on the bumpy road.  The first new trick she learned was that when I asked her "how big is Sophie,' she puts her arms up in the air while I say, "SO BIG."

I also started to hide her piggy from her and I would put my hands up and say "where'd piggy go?"  Sophie thought this was hilarious and started to turn her hand up looking for piggy.   Love this little girl and the 8 hours of fun we had in the car:)

At least we made it back in time to cheer on the Broncos for their opening game that night

Sophie sporting her Bronco attire this season

The kids all slept out in the tent 2 of the nights we were up at the cabin

Allie wanted daddy to sleep outside with her, so he got to join in on the fun

On Sunday we drove up to the fire look out.  We had a great view of Valley County

Allie braved the stinky port-a-potty

Sophie is such a big girl and figured out how to drink the water out of my water bottle

Love my blue eyed baby

Sophie had a blow-out up at the fire lookout, hence the naked baby.  She was ticked to be back in the car on Sunday following our long day on Saturday

On Labor Day we were able to enjoy some nice weather and made it out to play on the lake

The kids enjoyed building sand castles

Relaxing in the hot tub.  Sophie wasn't a fan of the hot tub

Blake and I did some surfing

Allie enjoying a boat ride, not so much for Sophie; she once again didn't want to be in a life vest.  This girl beats to her own drum and likes to do what she wants to do, but we LOVE her