Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Locks of Love

Allie has wanted her hair cut for a few months.  She wanted it trimmed up to her shoulders, so I tried to convince her that she would have enough to donate to Locks of Love and she could do a good deed just like I had.  I think the idea and concept was a little hard to grasp for her and hence it's why it has taken her a few months to get to the point of being ready to cut her hair. One day she decided she was ready to cut her hair, so we made an appointment at 2 B A Kid, a fun kids hair salon in town.

Allie started out by getting her hair washed up

It was time to put her hair in a pony tail and measure out a minimum of 10".  Then, snip, snip, snip of the pony

Allie and her pony tail.  We had the video camera with us and her face was priceless the moment she saw her ponytail

Of course Sophie was a wild one on the car next to Allie

Allie didn't want to let go of her old hair; she hadn't seen her new do yet.  We didn't want her to turn around until her new short hair was all done up

Her hair turned out darling!!!  She looks so much older to me with her short do.  We ended up sending out 11.5" of hair to Locks of Love

One last picture of that beautiful hair before it was sent off to Locks Of Love.  I must say I was a little sad to see the hair gone; Allie had beautiful hair!  I know that it will grow back, and someone will enjoy her beautiful hair. I am so proud of Allie and the great choice she has made.  You make your mama proud!!!