Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sophies' 12 months

I can't believe that Sophie turned 1!!!
 I'm just posting on here a few milestones you have hit at one year:)

Vocabulary: I can't believe how much you talk.  We will say a word and you will copy whatever it is like a little parrot.  These are a few of your chosen words you use every day:  Daddy, Allie, Max, Kitty, Piggy, Doggy, Hot, Hat, Milk, Nana (banana), touchdown, Up, Peek A Boo, Clap, Yuk, All done, THAT-my favorite.

Here are the words you use to describe the following animals to us
dog-ruff, fish-smacks her lips, duck-quack, cow-moo, elephant-hand up, sheep-baa

We are working on your sign language, but honestly you would rather just say the word.  There are a few that I make you use that you learned earlier and will sign rather than saying the word.
Signs: please, thank you, milk, more,

Teeth-just had two top teeth break through at 11 1/2 months
Walking...you are taking 4 steps at a time although you have walked across the room several times.  You do not like anyone to look at you when you are walking; if you catch anyone looking at you, you immediately sit down.

A few things I love about you.

1-Loves to go down the kiddy slide at the Y all by herself; it shocks everyone.  In order to get to the slide, Sophie does the bear crawl over to the slide because she hates the floor

2-You snuggle with me...I love it.  You understand the word "snuggle" and will cuddle up with me when I say it. I love that you snuggle because you are on the move every singe day.  All day long people comment wherever we go at how much you MOVE and how busy you are.  Hence....it's taken me forever to update the blog because I am so tired at the end of every night. You are constantly wanting me to hold you but then you crawl, climb, bounce, & wiggle ALL over, but I love ya.

3-You are attached to your piggy....you love love love your pig and take it everywhere with you.  You used to call it piggy, but now you refer to it as "OINK"