Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Will's 6 month Birthday

I can't believe it...you are one baby I am sad to see reach 6 months.  I have enjoyed having you around every minute.  You have been the best baby for me and you have been so snugly with me it just makes me love having you around even more.  A few things you have tried over the last few weeks prior to turning 6 months


Rice Cereal and Oatmeal....yum!  You love your cereal and gobble it down.  I never got close to getting through a box with your sisters and we are already on your second box of cereal

You are very close to sitting up and can sit up for a few minutes at a time before toppling over.  You love to be where the action is and since it is mainly always in the kitchen you spend a lot of time in your bumbo and love it.  

You love to have stuffed animals and blankets near or on your face.  You also love your binky and when your binky comes out during naps you usually find something else to put in your mouth

You love looking at books already.  When Sophie and I are reading books before naps and bedtime you always grab them out of our hands.  Now I've started to give you your own pile to look at:)

Your 6 month appointment went well.
You weighed in at 17 lbs 5 oz-45%
Height was 26.5 -50%
You are growing well and we love you so much!!!