Monday, April 1, 2013

Stay At Home Mom and Lovin' It!!!

What couldn't put a smile on my face more than these three squeaky clean kids!  I have made the decision to be a stay at home mom and I am so thrilled about it!  It was a hard decision to come to grips with.  After having Will I just didn't feel right about returning to work.   I had such a hard time accepting that it wasn't the right thing to do.  "Ya But" I would say in my prayers....its only twice a month, it's bringing in some extra money, it's helping kids who are sick, it makes me appreciate my kids more...."  I went on and on and could have come up with a million reasons but every time I knelt in prayer and pondered this decision it didn't feel right.  I had a pit in my stomach until the day that I decided to call it quits.  Because I worked so hard in school getting my degree and because it was so easy I thought it would be so right.  I was wrong and sometimes it's hard to accept the fact that our plan isn't Heavenly Father's plan. 

So, here I am... a stay at home mom.  I love my kids to death and I am so glad that I get to spend every waking second of my day with the three that I love the most.  Is it hard????  You bet it is;  the hardest thing I've ever done.  Some days I wonder what in the world is going on and where our day went. Between the balancing act of playing with the kids, enjoying meltdowns, trying to get kids to nap, nursing a baby all day, helping kids to read, trying to teach hygiene, teaching about Christ, how to say prayers, making meals, shopping for food, looking presentable for the Mr. at the end of this crazy day I wonder why I'm tired.  Weeks fly by and I wonder if it's really Monday again and I am once again greeted by all the laundry.  We wash clothes, pay bills, make meals, plant a garden, drag 3 kids through the stores; sometimes with all 3 in tears but I love our fun times together and love the times we get to play play play.  I heard some wonderful wisdom from a wise seasoned mother who told me to enjoy my time in the trenches.  Sometimes I feel like I am definitely in the trenches and its a war around me but I am grateful that I have this chance to stay at home; to raise these 3 kids that have been given to me from Heavenly Father and have taught me so much in the 6 years I have been a mom.  Allie, Sophie, Will you guys are the best!!! I'm also so grateful to my wonderful husband for his support in this calling and providing relief and back up when I need it!