Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Art Winner

Allie continues to amaze us with her art work.  She continues to say how she wants to be an artist when she grows up.  When she is at home she will start to draw and then go through multiple practice papers before she gets the final product she is pleased with.

At Allie's school there is the hallway of art-one child from each grade gets to have their picture displayed for the month.  I was in Allie's class volunteering one day when Allie headed to the bathroom.  On Allie's walk back to class she discovered her picture had been hung up and she was so excited that I was there to see it.  She came back to class to tell me about it and we snuck back into the hallway to get a picture. Way to go Allie!  All your hours of hard work have paid off; you are one talented artist!  We can't wait to see all the work you create in the future!