Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth

Happy 4th! We packed up camp and left Yellowstone Park in the morning. We leisurely took our time down to Logan, UT where we were meeting up with the extended Hansen family to have a BBQ birthday party for Grandma Hansen and watch the firework show. One of our stops included the Teton Lodge. We took a short hike here to a gorgeous view of the Teton Mountains. Another stop included Grandma Hansen's old stomping ground...Freedom, Wyoming. We were able to find the spot where they once had the Haderlie family farm.

A view of the Tetons

Cute Brynn found a flower on the way

We made it into Logan with a little time to freshen up our "camper" look. We had an enjoyable time at the BBQ and Allie was able to have a good time with all of the other cousins. By the end of the evening Allie was melting down. When we finally took off to the firework show, she passed out in the backseat, but it didn't last long. I woke her up when we got to the show because I knew she would love the fireworks. We had a great time!

Me and my girl

Now this was a hoot. This man walked over before the fireworks started and asked if he could take a picture of the family. After repeated attempts of teaching him where the shoot button was on the camera and him not understanding he finally snapped a picture. Drum roll please....

Here is half of the group that he got in the shot

I love how Allie and Cam both have their eyes up looking up. They were both too cute. During the fireworks Allie kept saying, "pop, pop"

Afterward Papa started pouring water on all the grandkid's heads. So, in retaliation the dads decided to get him back which started a great water fight